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Speak Up for Forgotten Voices

“Planning and funding for services for the children with the highest support needs has been non-existent. Our children, mostly non-speaking and not seen often in public because of their challenges, have been at the bottom of the pile when it comes to support from the very services that are meant to help them” - Parent

Autistic children with high support needs are being failed by Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care System. They can’t get residential care or short breaks because of a chronic lack of places in Northern Ireland.

They and their families are Unseen, Unheard and Forgotten

Autistic children and young people in our communities who have some of the highest levels of need are being denied support. These include children and young people who do not use speech and need round-the-clock support. Without it, they might become incredibly distressed, leading to harm to themselves or others. Families can be pushed to the brink, trying to fill in the gaps of support and are being denied access to short breaks because no places are available. The health and social care system should support any autistic child when they need it. But there is a comprehensive failure of the system to give these children support.

Short breaks support is woefully inadequate across Northern Ireland and it is those requiring the highest level of support who cannot access appropriate services. Many short break services have been repurposed as full-time residential homes as families have hit crisis. But even so, there are currently no available residential placements in Northern Ireland.

With the repurposing of respite centres more families are hitting crisis and so the vicious circle continues. The Department of Health and the Health and Social Care Trusts are failing in their duty of care to these children, young people and their families. They have failed to plan and commission appropriate services and the most vulnerable in our society are forgotten.

It’s time for this to change. It’s time for Northern Ireland to work for autistic children.

We are Campaigning for Change:

Please sign our Petition calling on the First and Deputy First Ministers to:

· Provide immediate access to short breaks and residential care for those families currently in crisis

· Provide the resources needed for the commissioning of services to support autistic people with high support needs and their families such as short breaks and residential placements

· Set up a dedicated strategic taskforce to address the reforms needed to support autistic people with high support needs

Sign the Petition Now

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Last updated: 27/09/2018 10:09:03